International Debt Relief and Aid Needed

There is an urgent need for the United States to offer foreign aid and support the IMF expanding debt relief for vulnerable countries hit by the coronavirus.

Statement on Israeli Annexation 

Churches for Middle East Peace, a coalition of which the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns is a member, released the following statement on April 29 opposing Israeli plans to vote to annex portions of the West Bank.  

COVID-19 Exposes Repression in Latin America

The Latin America Working Group offers a roundup of the actions by governments in Latin America that use the pandemic to expand corrupt or repressive rule or respond with police brutality. The following article was published in the July-August 2020 issue of NewsNotes

COVID-19 has begun to drastically affect life in Latin America. While government restrictions are essential to save lives, measures must protect, not harm, citizens.

Welcoming Refugees in U.S. Policy

This is an abbreviated version of the brief on refugees as part of our election briefs series, Faithful Voting and Global Concerns.
