UN: Promoting people’s empowerment
The following report onthe February 2013 meeting of the UN Commission on Social Development was written by Sr. Elizabeth (Claris) Zwareva, MM, who represents Maryknoll at the UN.
Resources -- March-April 2013 NewsNotes
A few select resources for study and reflection.
Shareholder advocacy on climate continues
Shareholder advocacy calling on corporations to be accountable for their GHG emissions and to take steps to address climate change continues.
Slowing climate change by working less
To adequately address the climate crisis, a vast global mobilization is needed to urgently and radically reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Climate: Carbon pricing controversy
As the EU seeks ways to reform the Emissions Trading System, and the U.S. considers implementing a similar system, it is important to identify the failures of market-based solutions to climate change.
Climate: Rally to challenge Keystone XL
The following report was written by Sr. Mary Ann Smith, MM, who, with other Maryknoll missioners, Affiliates and staff members from the Global Concerns office, joined a multi-faith contingent organized by Sojourners and Interfaith Power and Light at the February 17 rally on climate change in Washington, D.C., attended by tens of thousands of people.
Water: Life source, not commodity
World Water Day is March 22.
Immigration: Security along U.S.-Mexico border
The ongoing struggle for just and humane immigration reform in the U.S. will probably stretch out all spring.
Arms Trade Treaty: Pray for passage
From March 18-28, the United Nations will hold the final talks on the Arms Trade Treaty.
Pax Christi calls for end to Israeli settlements
In January, Pax Christi International, the Catholic peace movement, released the following statement, calling for an end to Israeli settlements on Palestinian land.
Korea: New windows of opportunity?
For the past 60 years, since the 1950-53 civil war with South Korea ended in a truce, North Korea has been stuck in a vicious cycle, a strategic plan that can be described in short as oppression coupled with threats of insanity and aggression, all enabled by North Korea’s economic lifeline: China.
Kenya: The voice of the people
The following article was written by Sr. Teresa Hougnon, MM, who lives and works in Kenya, where elections took place on Monday, March 4.