
Find links to the final document produced by the Amazon Synod, a pastoral letter on immigration and racism by Bishop Seitz of El Paso, analysis of the crisis in Haiti, and much more. 

Journey for Justice in El Paso

Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns participated in a teach-in and action in El Paso, Texas, on the themes of immigration, anti-racism, and Catholicism in the borderlands.

What is at Stake in the Amazon

Flávio José Rocha, a Maryknoll Lay Missioner in Brazil, highlights the great responsibility of stewarding the Amazon’s precious ecosystem. This article was first published by the Maryknoll Lay Missioners. 

Amazon Synod Concludes in Rome

The Special Assembly of Bishops for the Pan-Amazonian Region took place in Rome in October on the theme, “Amazonia: new paths for the Church and for an integral ecology.”          

Supreme Court to Decide Fate for Dreamers

Ilse Cruz, an undocumented college student from Florida, writes about the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA) cases set to come before the Supreme Court on November 12.
