All Saints Day
This All Saints Day reflection is written by Rhegan Hyypio, a former Franciscan lay missioner who spent a year working with the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns.
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dan Moriarty writes this week's scripture reflection; Dan is a former lay missioner who now coordinates the Maryknoll Bolivia Immersion Program.
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time
This week's reflection was prepared by Marj Humphrey who spent many years as a missioner in East Africa.
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Fr. Jim Noonan, who spent much of his missionary life in Asia, now serves God's people in South Sudan.
27th Sunday in Ordinary Time
This week's reflection is written by Kathy McNeely, who is currently a staff member with the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns. Kathy spent several years in Guatemala as a lay missioner.
Middle East Notes September 19, 2013
This week’s Middle East Notes contains articles concerning various views of the success or failure of the Oslo Accords, the role of the UN and of U.S. Jews in the Israeli Palestinian conflict, the possibility of the two-state solution being only an illusion, and other issues.
26th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Rick Dixon is a Maryknoll lay missioner living and working in El Salvador.
25th Sunday of Ordinary Time
This week's reflection was prepared by Fr. Tom Tiscornia, who has served the people of Sudan/South Sudan for many years.
24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
This week's scripture reflection was prepared by lay missioner Christine Perrier.
Middle East Notes September 5, 2013
This week’s Middle East Notes contains articles concerning the continuing Israeli/Palestinian peace negotiations, the hope and possibility of a two or more nation federation, the isolation and unawareness of U.S. Jews to the suffering of the Palestinians, opposition to U.S. military intervention in Syria, Pope Francis’ plea for peace among nations through encounter and dialog, and other issues.
September-October 2013 NewsNotes
This issue of NewsNotes includes articles about the threatened strike against Syria, increased human rights abuses in Guatemala, and children lost in the migration/asylum system, and many others.
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
This week's scripture reflection was prepared by Chris Bodewes, who served as a lay missioner in Kenya.