Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dave Kane, a former Maryknoll Lay Missioner who continues to live and work in Brazil, reflects on the value of simplying our lives and investing in community.

Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Phil and Kathy Dahl-Bredine, who served as Maryknoll Lay Missioners and continue to live in Mexico, reflect on the urgent need to proclaim a Gospel of peace and simplicity.

Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fr. Mike Gilgannon, a priest with the Kansas City-St. Joseph diocese who served alongside many Maryknoll missioners in the Andean region, reflects on the roles suffering and death play in our lives.

Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Judy Coode, former communications director for the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns and current project coordinator for the Catholic Nonviolence Initiative, a project of Pax Christi International, reflects on the daily spiritual act of breaking bread and sharing a meal.
