Easter Sunday

Fr. Jack Sullivan spent much of his mission life in Hong Kong; he has spent the last few years volunteering for the Global Concerns office on Israel-Palestine issues.

Middle East Notes February 28, 2013

Please note: Opinions expressed in the following articles do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns.

Read previous weeks’ Middle East Notes here

This week’s Middle East Notes examines the hopes and challenges of the visits of Secretary Kerry and President Obama to Israel and the West Bank, opposition to BDS in the U.S., the continuing occupation and imprisonment of Palestinians, the influence of the Israeli and Christian Zionist lobbies, and other issues.

Middle East Notes February 14, 2013

This week’s Middle East Notes examines changes in the U.S. and Israeli governments, the continuing debate about the possibility of a two state solution in the face of the ever-changing “facts on the ground” i.e. settlement growth and its support by the government of Israel. Another item this week is the media “invisibility” of Palestinian Christians, whose voices are not heard.

Middle East Notes January 31, 2013

This week's Middle East Notes includes articles about the recent Israeli elections; around 2,000 Israelis arranged to give their vote to disenfranchised Palestinians.

Middle East Notes Jan. 17, 2013

This week’s Middle East Notes features articles on Israeli settlement activity in the E-1 area of the Occupied Territories, the upcoming Israeli elections, increased availability of the “Palestinian Narrative,” the continuing nonviolent Palestinian response to settlement activity and violence, and other issues.
