The Death of Robert Mugabe

Sr. Janice McLaughlin, MM, describes her first-hand experience with the Zimbabwean leader, Robert Mugabe, who died on September 6 at the age of 95. 

MOGC Participates in Amicus Brief for November DACA Case

The Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns signed onto an amicus brief for the U.S. Supreme Court Case challenging the Trump Administration's recission of DACA, or the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. This program allows those who were brought to the United States without legal documents before the age of 16 to study and work in the United States and delay their deportation. Beginning on November 12, 2019,  the Supreme Court will decide whether the way in which President Trump terminated the program was unlawful. 

Indigenous Spirituality Can Bring Us Home

A woman rabbi shares in an interview with Maryknoll Lay Missioner Kathy Bond what she would say, if given the opportunity, to Pope Francis and others meeting in Rome for the Synod on the Amazon, regarding the value of indigenous spirituality and traditions in helping to heal our broken world.

Aboriginal and Indigenous Spirituality: "They are me and I am Them"

In an interview with Maryknoll Lay Missioner Kathy Bond, an Aboriginal woman and traditional healer from Australia describes the kinship she feels with the indigenous people of the Amazon. She identifies common aspects of their spiritualities and explains how she feels when indigenous ways of life are threatened in any part of the world. 

Indigenous Women: A Source of Wisdom for Our Church

A Namibian woman human rights activist shares what she would say, if given the opportunity, to Pope Francis and the Catholic bishops and auditors meeting in Rome for the Synod on the Amazon, regarding the value of indigenous spirituality and traditions in helping to heal our broken world.

Women Indigenous Spirituality: Giving Voice to What Cannot Speak

A Native American woman medicine healer shares what she would say, if given the opportunity, to Pope Francis and the Catholic bishops and auditors meeting in Rome for the Synod on the Amazon, regarding the value of indigenous spirituality and traditions in helping to heal our broken world. 
