Updates from COP 28
Find the latest news from Maryknoll representatives at COP28 in Dubai.
Maryknoll Hopes for COP 28
Maryknoll Missioners from across the Maryknoll family share some of their hopes for the upcoming UN Climate Change Conference in Dubai.
COP 28 Two-pager
In advance of the 2023 UN Conference on climate change
Articles on Restorative Justice from Maryknoll
Links to four articles on the work of restorative justice done in Brazil by Maryknoll Missioners.
Virtual Good Friday Way of the Cross for Economic and Ecological Justice
The observance of Christ's Passion is an opportunity to reflect on the ways we have broken our covenant with God at the expense of other persons and creation. At each station we focus on a difference economic and ecological challenge or sign of hope for our times.
Nonviolence Two-pager
Read, download, print, share! PDF here.
Human Rights Day - El Salvador
On December 10, we commemorate Human Rights Day. Our focus this year is on the state of El Salvador, which has seen some remarkable improvements rolled back by a new form of government oppression.
Maryknoll Missioners' Asks for COP27
As the UN Climate Conference reaches its final day in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, Maryknoll Missioners from Latin America, Africa and Asia lift up the voices of those most affected by climate change in the Global South, demanding action from world leaders to save our common home.
Maryknoll Affiliates Laudato Si Resources
Following the action goals of Laudato Si', Maryknoll Affiliates have compiled seven categories of resources to help you make progress: Respond to the Cry of the Earth; Respond to the Cry of the Poor; Ecological Economics; Adoption of Sustainable Lifestyles; Ecological Education; Ecological Spirituality; and Community Resilience and Empowerment.
COP 27 Two-pager
The annual UN Climate Change Convention, which in years past yielded the Paris Climate Accords and Kyoto Protocol, will be held in Egypt from November 6 - 18. We hope for a human-centered approach that takes into account the marginalized.
Study Guide: Pope Francis' Fratelli Tutti
Download our 6-page guide in English or Spanish to study the pope's encyclical on peace and dialogue.
Virtual Good Friday Way of the Cross for Economic and Ecological Justice
Join us on Good Friday, April 15, at 12 p.m. Eastern Time, for the 2022 Virtual Economic and Ecological Way of the Cross.