Sudan: War Resumes
Two generals vie for the vast resources of Africa’s third largest country; ordinary people are caught in between.
Two generals vie for the vast resources of Africa’s third largest country; ordinary people are caught in between.
Time: 8am Eastern Time
Hosted by: Pax Chrsti International's Catholic Nonviolence Initiative
The webinar will be an opportunity to learn about the book Advancing Nonviolence and Just Peace in the Church and the World.
Time: 8pm Eastern
Hosted by: Pax Christi International‘s Catholic Nonviolence Initiative, Pax Christi Asia-Pacific, Pax Christi Pilipinas and the Catholic Education Association of the Philippines (CEAP)
WATCH on CEAP’s Facebook page or YouTube channel
A major conference on peace will be held April 9-10 at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C.; it is sponsored by the Catholic Peacebuilding Network and over a dozen Catholic universities and agencies to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the encyclical Pacem in terris and explore Catholic peacebuilding today.