Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Maryknoll Father Ken Thesing, who served in Tanzania and Rome, reflects on the meaning of discipleship and following the example of Jesus.

Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fr. Mike Gilgannon, a priest with the Kansas City-St. Joseph diocese who served alongside many Maryknoll missioners in the Andean region, reflects on the roles suffering and death play in our lives.

Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Chloe Noel, Faith Economy Ecology Project Coordinator at MOGC, reflects on how the experiences of the past year have reminded us of our interconnectedness and our mission to stand with the marginalized and oppressed.

Feast of the Assumption

Fr. Lam Hua, MM, on mission in Tanzania, considers how the Feast of the Assumption celebrates the amazing gift of creation. 
