Fourth Sunday of Advent
Dc. Joshua Maondo, MM, sees the visitation as a model for how we are to welcome the stranger.
Dc. Joshua Maondo, MM, sees the visitation as a model for how we are to welcome the stranger.
Maryknoll Lay Missioner Richard Dixon tells of a friendship forged in Mexicali, Mexico.
Sr. Dee Smith, MM, sees her ministry with migrants as a way of preparing the way for the coming of Emmanuel.
Fr. Alejandro Marina, MM, invites us to be "awake" to the causes of mass migration and displacement in our world.
Fr, Michael Snyder, MM, shares how the scripture readings are relevant to his work as a medical university chaplain in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Maryknoll Lay Missioner Peg Vamosy "what are the gifts and talents that each of us is given to administer to the best of our abilities?"
Sr. Becky Nyaki, MM, sees a lesson on the nature of wisdom in the scripture readings.
Sr Susan Nchubiri reads in the scriptures a call to act as true Christians.
Maryknoll Lay Missioner Joanne Miya asks how we as Christians keep the second commandment of Jesus.
Sr. Geraldine Brake, MM, shares for World Mission Sunday how she sees the face of God in those she serves.
Fr. Joseph Healey, MM, draws the connection between the readings and the Synod on Synodality happening in Rome presently.
Maryknoll Affiliate Kathy Morefield sees the fruits of the Kingdom of Heaven in the economic model of collaboratively-run restaurant.