Economic justice

From Cambodia to El Salvador, Bangladesh to Tanzania, Maryknoll missioners accompany people and communities affected by poverty and extreme poverty.

Based on our belief that each person is both sacred and social, created in God’s image, and destined to share in the goods of the Earth as part of a community of justice and mercy, we hear the cry of the poor and we are called to respond. From the time of the Old Testament to today, we recognize poverty as a common result of unjust oppression of those forced to live on the margins, prohibited from participating in society. We listen to our suffering brothers and sisters and we hear echoes of God’s frequent warnings to the Israelites in the Book of Exodus, of their duty to care for those who are poor, powerless, and excluded by society.

Embracing this duty, we advocate for social and economic change, to eliminate the roots causes of poverty found in unjust economic structures. We promote the globalization of solidarity, the enhancement of inclusive human security, and development that is rooted in social justice and ecological sustainability.

Maryknoll Leadership Statement: Trading in justice: The local impact of global economic decisions

WEBINAR: U.S. Trade Policy – Putting People and Planet First

PRAYER: Virtual Good Friday Way of the Cross for Economic and Ecological Justice

POLICY BRIEF: End the Pandemic Through Global Vaccine Access

SPECIAL PROGRAM: Integral Ecology Program

NEWSLETTER: Encounters Where Faith, Economy, Ecology Meet

PRESS STATEMENT: Faith communities call for a new trade model


Investors call for reforms in apparel supply chains

In light of a series of calamities in Bangladeshi apparel manufacturing plants that resulted in an overwhelming loss of life, over 200 institutional investors (including the Maryknoll Sisters and the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers), representing over $2 trillion in assets under management, issued a statement on May 16, calling on apparel industry leaders to implement systemic reforms that will ensure worker safety and welfare, and to adopt “zero tolerance” polices on global supply chain issues.