
Christmas Day

Jason and Felicia Gehrig lived with their children as lay missioners in Bolivia.


November-December 2013 NewsNotes

The November-December 2013 NewsNotes includes a report on Brazil’s debt, reflections on the World Food Prize and Pope Francis, and an update on Cambodia, among other topics.

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MOGC joins “pilgrimage for courage and common good” in Congress

On Tuesday, October 15, more than 30 national faith-based organizations, including the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns (MOGC), endorsed a statement directed to the U.S. Congress, urging the legislative body “to place shared democratic values above short term political expediency, exercise the courage to fund our nation’s government, raise the debt limit without preconditions and get back to work on a faithful budget that serves the common good.”


Guatemala: Increased repression in Huehuetenango

Over the last four days, less than a month after President Perez Molina visited the town of Barillas in the department of Huehuetenango and announced the formation of a formal space for dialogue between communities, the government, and the hydroelectric companies Ecoener Hidralia Energía/Hidro Santa Cruz S.A., police and military actions have markedly increased.

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33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dave Kane, a member of the Global Concerns office staff, is a former lay missioner who lives and works in Joao Pessoa, Brazil.


27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

This week’s reflection is written by Kathy McNeely, who is currently a staff member with the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns. Kathy spent several years in Guatemala as a lay missioner.