
Africa: Challenges of infrastructure development

The essential role of infrastructure is being rediscovered worldwide as a key component of a comprehensive development strategy. However, in order to be sustainable and deliver real benefits to the communities and the environment directly affected, infrastructure projects need good governance, meaningful civil society participation, and real accountability.


Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)

Former lay missioner Heidi Cerneka served in Brazil; she wrote the following reflection which was published in A Maryknoll Liturgical Year: Reflections on the Readings for Year B, available from Orbis Books.


Maryknoll, colleagues alarmed by “Fast Track” potential consequences

A number of faith leaders representing religious communions, denominations, and organizations across the country spoke out on April 16, 2015 to voice their concern about the newly released Trade Promotion Authority bill, or Fast Track, which would give the president unilateral power to sign the secretive Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade agreement without a chance for debate in Congress.