August 2024 marked the third year since the United States' withdrawal from Afghanistan. Since then, over 76,000 people were evacuated as the Taliban took over.

Evacuees were granted a temporary status of "humanitarian parole" by the Biden Administration, a status that expires after one or two years and must be renewed by the President. It is up to Congress to address the influx of people, and legislate an immigration status that provides more stability. In the three years since the evacuation, Congress has failed to provide a legislative solution.

The Fulfilling Promises to Afghan Allies Act (FPAAA), would provide a direct pathway for permanent status to displaced Afghan allies, after thorough security vetting. It also expands options for protection available to Afghans who were left behind and remain at risk.

Since the very beginning, Afghan evacuees have needed and deserved a clear immigration status that honors their commitment to our country when they stood beside United States troops for twenty years. The fulfillment of our promises has been delayed for three years too long, but it does not have to be delayed any longer.

Use the form below to ask your Senators to pass the Fulfilling Promises to Afghan Allies Act (FPAAA).

Photo of Marines guarding an evacuation checkpoint at Kabul Airport, 20 August 2021, by Staff Sgt. Victor Mancilla, released by the United States Marine Corp.