Register for Haiti Advocacy Days: *Stop Illegal U.S. Arms to Haiti*, held on Wednesday and Thursday, September 25-26.
This Sunday marks the second month since Kenyan forces arrived in Haiti to restore order. Unfortunately, the Kenyan police are heavily outgunned by gangs with weapons that largely originate from the United States. As an island nation that does not have an arms and ammunition industry, Haiti's gun problem can only be fueled with weapons supplied from abroad.
Participants in the September Advocacy Days will meet with members of Congress and staff at the Department of Homeland Security to ask them to take stronger measures to prevent the illegal flow of weapons and ammunition from the United States to Haiti. They will represent a coalition of 38 faith-based groups that are co-sponsors to this initiative.
Meetings will be arranged in-person and virtually. If you are ready to join, please register for the event by Friday, August 30. Otherwise, please consider writing to your members of Congress to elevate the initiative's message.