Tuesday, Nov. 5, is election day in the United States. We want to share with you opportunities to pray for a peaceful voting process that brings the country and our world closer to God’s kingdom of justice and peace.
LCWR Transforming Grace Virtual Prayer Space
The Leadership Conference of Women Religious invites you to 24 hours of contemplative prayer throughout the days of the U.S. national election. The Maryknoll Sisters will join each day from 3:00-4:00 p.m. ET. There will be no presentations or comments during the virtual gathering. To participate, log in and join women religious around the world as they pray in silence.
- WHEN: Nov. 4-6. Opens Monday, 12:00 AM ET, Closes Wednesday, 11:59 PM ET
- WHERE:Virtual Zoom Meeting at bit.ly/VirtualPrayerRM
USCCB Novena for Faithful Citizenship
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Secretariat of Justice and Peace is offering a Novena for Faithful Citizenship, a nine-day prayer program to be used around the U.S. elections on Nov. 5. Click here to download the nine-day program or sign up to receive daily emails offering prayers for each day.
- WHEN: Nov. 1-9, to be used at any time.
- WHERE: Find the nine-day personal prayer program on the USCCB website.