January-February 2021
Vol. 46, No. 1
How to Avert a COVID-19 Global Debt Crisis: Wider, deeper debt relief and the issuance of Special Drawing Rights are needed to address the global economic crisis during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Roots of Ethiopia’s Tigray Conflict: Maryknoll Fr. Frank Breen provides background on the deadly fighting that has gripped the northern part of Ethiopia since November 2020.
Zimbabwe: A Way Forward with Fratelli Tutti: Dr. David Kaulem, Dean of the School of Education and Leadership at Arrupe Jesuit University in Harare, Zimbabwe, offers Pope Francis’ concept of political charity described in Fratelli Tutti as a way to break the cycle of polarization and economic despair.
Opposing Armed Drone Strikes in Kenya: The Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns opposes the U.S. military launching armed drone strikes in volatile northern Kenya.
Pope Francis On Universal Basic Income: Guaranteed monthly income is seen as a way to stabilize society in an era of turbulent shocks and change.
Border Agencies Prepare for Change: Immigrant social service agencies on the U.S.-Mexico border are preparing for rapid changes in the months ahead.
Hurricanes Devastate Central America: Two devastating hurricanes hit Central America in November, leaving widespread destruction for local communities already struggling from the fallout of the pandemic.
Bangladesh: Seeking Justice for Factory Fire: Eight years after 112 died in a fire at a garment factory, survivors stage protest calling for help from the prime minister. UCANews published this article, excerpted here, on November 25, 2020.
New Book: ‘Advancing Nonviolence:‘ New book highlights women leaders who advance the practice of nonviolence by pursuing open and sincere dialogue.
Christmas Retreat on Gospel Nonviolence: On Dec. 18, more than 500 people from around the world, including members of the Vatican COVID-19 Commission, joined a 3-hour retreat on nonviolence hosted by Pax Christi International. Participants were asked to read the following reflection prior to the start of the retreat.
World Needs U.S. to Join COVAX Campaign: Questions around how COVID-19 vaccines will be distributed, to whom they will become available, and at what cost, pose challenging human rights concerns.
Weakened Anti-Corruption Rule Favors Oil Industry: On December 16, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) adopted a final rule that takes the teeth out of an important reform meant to end corruption in the resource extraction industry.
HIV/AIDS Response During the Pandemic: Maryknoll Fr. Rick Bauer in Kenya shares this message from the Interfaith Health Platform.
World Day of Peace 2021 Message: On January 1, Pope Francis issued the 54th annual World Day of Peace message, “A Culture of Care as a Path to Peace.”
Resources: Find resources on policy recommendations for the Biden administration, Ecumenical Advocacy Days’ virtual gathering, analysis of Fratelli Tutti, and much more.
Photo from the World Bank Photo Collection, available on Flickr.