A Venezuelan Migrant’s Story
One migrant’s journey through South and Central America to seek asylum in the United States.
One migrant’s journey through South and Central America to seek asylum in the United States.
The Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns joins over 40 U.S.-based faith, human rights, foreign policy, humanitarian, immigrant rights and border-based civil society organizations in a statement to express deep concern over the Trump Administration’s latest actions on Central America including the wholesale cutoffs of assistance to Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador.
Listen to voices on the border.
Maryknoll Father Frank Breen reports on his visit to El Paso, Texas in December, where he met up with Maryknoll Father Bill Donnelly of St. Patrick Parish. Together they toured some of the shelters for migrants and refugees
Monday, July 2, a delegation of U.S. Catholic bishops led by Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo, President of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), visits the Diocese of Brownsville, Texas.
Catholic bishops from eight dioceses in Texas, Arizona, and California issued a statement criticizing President Donald Trump’s announcement on April 4 that he would deploy National Guard troops to the U.S.-Mexico border.
Stories from migrants on the Mexico-side of the border and volunteers offering water on the U.S.-side.
Darrin Mortenson, who serves as the migration fellow for the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns, reports on his visit to El Paso, Texas, in July, where he met with some of the Maryknoll missioners who welcome and accompany newly-arrived migrants despite the rising risks and complicated political reality of the U.S.-Mexico “borderlands.” The following article was…
On July 18, just steps from the U.S.-Mexico border, Bishop Mark J. Seitz of El Paso, Texas, issued a new pastoral letter on the issue of immigration, calling for a moratorium on deportations by the United States until it adopts comprehensive immigration reform.
On July 25, nearly 100 environmental, faith, immigration, and civil rights organizations sent a letter to the members of the House of Representatives detailed our opposition to funding for the construction of a border wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.
On April 28, the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns joined 38 national faith-based organizations and 41 state & local faith-based organizations and congregations in a letter to all members of Congress urging them to oppose funding for a border wall and further militarized infrastructure along the U.S.-Mexico border. Instead, we ask Congress to appropriate funding that supports our shared faith principles and reorients the Department of Homeland Security’s strategies toward more sensible and humane solutions that are informed by and to the benefit of border communities.
When Maryknoll Sister Lil Mattingly in El Paso, Texas, shared the urgent need for volunteers to help the growing numbers of refugees and migrants there, the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns sent Alfonso Buzzo, our peace fellow, to live and work at Annunciation House, a home of hospitality in El Paso. The following article is Alfonso’s reflection on his month-long experience there.