Syria: U.S. Catholic Leaders Urge Inclusive Diplomacy and Dialogue for a Just Peace
“We Must Stop the Potential for Further Violence in Syria: War Is Not the Answer”
“We Must Stop the Potential for Further Violence in Syria: War Is Not the Answer”
Pax Christi International issued a statement on the occasion Action Day for Peace in Syria on October 24.
The following is a press release announcing that Jesuit Refugee Service Syria has received Pax Christi International’s 2014 Peace Award.
The following article was written by Marie Dennis, co-president of Pax Christi International and former director of the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns (MOGC).
Marie Dennis, co-president of Pax Christi International, contributed the following reflection which was published in the March-April 2014 NewsNotes.
As President Obama brings his case for a military strike on Syria to the U.S. Congress and the U.S. public for their approval, people of faith speak out with a strong voice to oppose the use of violence.
As NewsNotes goes to press in early September, the news cycle is dominated by discussion about a possible military strike against Syria.
Pax Christi International (PXI) Secretary General José Henríquez writes the following letter at the close of PXI’s Lenten campaign in support of the people of Syria.
Join in an act of global solidarity with the suffering people of Syria.
The following article by Syrian Fadi Hallisso, SJ was the basis for his December 13, 2012 presentation to a Pax Christi International workshop in Amman, Jordan.
The following article, contributed by Marie Dennis, co-president of Pax Christi International, and published in the September-October 2012 NewsNotes, is based on a longer piece written for the Center of Concern’s Education for Justice Program. For more information about how Catholic social teaching relates to the present situation please visit the Center of Concern’s Education for Justice site,