
Peru: Letter of Solidarity with Aymara, Uro and Quechua Brothers and Sisters

We are writing to express our solidarity with you and your struggle and to tell you that as Christians we recognize the great example you are setting for the whole country with your marches in defense of true democracy and human rights; you are exemplary citizens and we demand that you be respected as such.


Peruvian Church Leaders and Human Rights Leaders Condemn Massacre

What happened in the city of Juliaca and Puno can only be described as one of the worst massacres that have occurred in our country in recent years. We reiterate that it is not up to the National Police of Peru or the Peruvian Armed Forces to resolve the conflicts that have been taking place. It is the duty of the central government and the Congress of the Republic to find a realistic, nonviolent solution within a reasonable time that will restore tranquility and peace to the country.