Maryknoll OGC Joins Letter to Congress Cautioning Against Sanctions for the ICC

Maryknoll OGC Joins Letter to Congress Cautioning Against Sanctions for the ICC

Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns joined 75 human rights organizations, faith-based groups, legal associations, and academic institutions in an open letter to Congress and the incoming US Presidential administration decrying sanctions against the International Criminal Court (ICC). As the House of Representatives is scheduled to review this legislation among its first orders of business, we…

Human Rights Award for Activists in Gaza and Guatemala

Human Rights Award for Activists in Gaza and Guatemala

The 2024 Letelier-Moffit Human Rights Awards were given to Rabbis for Ceasefire and the Institute for Middle East Understanding (IMEU), and the Concejo de Autoridades de 48 Cantones de Totonicapán of Guatemala; and a slain former awardee was honored. The following article was published in the November-December 2024 issue of NewsNotes. The Institute for Policy…


More than 200 Christian Leaders Sign Letter Calling for Ceasefire in Gaza

Prior to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to the U.S. Congress in Washington, DC, more than 200 global bishops and Christian leaders, including Sr. Teresa Hougnon, president of the Maryknoll Sisters and Susan Gunn, director of the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns, call for world leaders to institute a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, halt of offensive arms sales to Israel, and prevention of a broader regional war.