Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Anita Klueg, a returned Maryknoll Lay Missioner who lived and worked in Kenya, reflects on the blessing of being a witness to God's work.

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Kathy McNeely, a returned Maryknoll Lay Missioner who lived and worked in Guatemala, reflects on the important gifts offered by the prophets among us.

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dr. Anne Berry, a Maryknoll Lay Missioner in Tanzania, reflects on the beauty in Tanzania of extending compassion and care beyond typical American cultural norms.


Maryknoll Father Frank Breen reflects on transcending our differences and embracing a world community.

Feast of the Holy Family

Maryknoll Father Jack Sullivan reflections on the Holy Family and the call to recognize holy families today.

Christmas Day

Maryknoll Father Frank Breen reflects on the "Divine Reversal" that includes the birth of Jesus.

Fourth Sunday of Advent

Maryknoll Sr. Veronica Schweyen reflects on the opportunity to prepare our hearts to be open to whatever God has in store for us.

Third Sunday of Advent

Nonviolence and Peace Fellow Kevin Carroll reflects on the cry of John Baptist and the cry of the poor.
