
Webinar: Nonviolence and the Web of Creation

Watch the recording of a 30-minute webinar hosted in honor of the International Day of Peace, September 21, “Nonviolence & the Web of Creation.”

Nonviolence not only offers us tools for protecting the environment, but environmental degradation is itself a form of violence, and care for our common home is an integral element of Gospel nonviolence. In this webinar, we will explore some of the theological roots of this perspective, including those drawn from Indigenous cosmovisions.

The webinar featured Dan Moriarty, Sustainable Pathways to Peace Program Coordinator at MOGC, and Tania Avila Meneses, and Indigenous Quechua theologian with the Amerindia Network who attended the Synod on the Amazon in 2019.

This event was a part of the Pax Christi International’s Catholic Nonviolence Days of Action, September 21 – October 2.