Second Sunday of Lent
Sr. Pat Conroy, MM
March 8, 2020 12:00 am
Genesis 12: 1-4A; Psalm 33: 4-5, 18-19, 20, 22; 2 Timothy 1: 8B-10; Matthew 17: 1-9
Sr. Pat Conroy, MM, reflects on how the journey of Lent calls us to a deeper trust in God.
The readings today on the second Sunday of Lent begin with an invitation to Abram to leave all that is familiar and to follow God in faith. And God promises Abram many blessings as he does so. “Abram went as the Lord directed him.”
Each year during Lent, God also invites us to begin a journey, a journey with Jesus into deepening trust that God is with us and will bless us as we go. It is a call to let go of what is superfluous in our lives and to enter more fully into God’s plan for all of creation. We are called to be open to a new understanding of our oneness with God and all that God is unfolding in our world today. Granted, it may disturb us, make us uncomfortable, stretch our faith and imagination, challenge us to new levels of trust. But, believe it or not, God is in the midst of the chaos and is bringing to birth a new creation, a new consciousness of the ongoing evolution of the universe with the Cosmic Christ at the center.
Lord, let your mercy be on us, as we place our trust in you!
In our response to this invitation we recognize our need for God’s help on the journey. Our faith is tested as we rely on God’s mercy and kindness. We profess our belief that God is united with us as we become aware of the suffering of our brothers and sisters in this world seeking justice, safety, welcome and fullness of life. Our hope is in God’s desire to lead us beyond the chaos of our world to new life in the Risen Christ. God invites us to participate in bringing about this new life.
In Paul’s letter to Timothy he encourages each of us to “bear [our] share of hardship for the gospel with the strength that comes from God.”
This is our challenge during this Lenten season: to embrace our unity with God and all people to bring about justice, peace, forgiveness and love to the world around us. Then shall all the communities of the earth find blessing in us.
May your kindness, O Lord, be upon us, who have put our hope in you.
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