

Find resources for Lent, for Ecumenical Advocacy Days 2020, on peace in South Sudan, and much more. 

Find resources for Lent, for Ecumenical Advocacy Days 2020, on peace in South Sudan, and much more.

1)  Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns’ 2020 Lenten Reflection Guide will be available February 1 at

2)  Watch a 3-minute video message from an Amazonian woman to participants at the Amazon Synod about life in her village:

3)  National Migration Week is celebrated in the U.S. Catholic Church January 5-11. Find resources here:

4)  Read a letter from Cardinal Ramazzini of Guatemala to the Guatemala chapter of the Maryknoll Affiliates:

5)  Watch the recording of a conference on the work of ecological theologian Thomas Berry, held at Georgetown University in October:

6)  Find resources on the UN COP25 climate conference from Texas Impact, the Texas Interfaith Center for Public Policy:

7)  Read Pope Francis’s message for World Day of Peace, celebrated January 1, entitled, “Peace as a Journey of Hope: Dialogue, Reconciliation, and Ecological Conversion:”

8)  Register to attend Ecumenical Advocacy Days in Washington, D.C. April 24-27, which will focus on climate change and economic justice:

9)  Read the Christmas message from the Bishops of Haiti on hope for radical change in the midst of crisis:

10) Read a message from the Bishops of South Sudan urging action and hope for lasting peace in South Sudan:

11) Attend Korea Peace Network’s Advocacy Days March 13-14 in Washington D.C. to advocate for peace on the Korean peninsula:

12) Explore a toolkit from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops for National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention month, which is held in January. Find prayer resources, a backgrounder, talking points, etc.:

13) Watch a 10-minute video on climate refugees from the Weather Channel:

14) Read a statement on the deaths of migrant children and violation of indigenous peoples’ rights at the U.S.-Mexico border by the International Mayan League:

15) Watch a recording of a webinar on the political crisis in Bolivia hosted by Global Exchange and featuring Dan Moriarty of MOGC:

16) Listen to a podcast on gang recruitment in Central America and its relationship to mass migration from the region:

17) Read a letter from Pope Francis to young economists and entrepreneuers inviting them to a gathering in Assisi, Italy to envision how to “re-animate the economy”:

18) Read a reflection on this year’s World Day of Peace Message from Pope Francis by the co-presidents of Pax Christi International:

19) Read about the film “The Report,” which depicts the investigation into the CIA torture program. This website includes an annotated copy of the script with historical detail:

20) Send a message to your your Members of Congress urging them to oppose war with Iran:

21) Register for a virtual conversation to learn about Pope Francis’s gathering in Assisi, Italy to “Re-animate the economy” in March 2020. The virtual conversation will be held February 19 from 7-9 p.m: .

22) The official English translation of the final document from the Synod on the Amazon is now available. Read it here: