Home / November-December 2021

November-December 2021

Vol. 46, No. 6

A bi-monthly newsletter of information on international justice and peace issues.

Climate Change: Problems with Net Zero Pledges

Corporations and institutions like TIAA are pledging to achieve carbon neutrality but critics say net zero pledges delay meaningful reductions in greenhouse gases and provide cover to those unwilling to commit.

TIAA petition image

Peace, War, and Sanction in Afghanistan

Nearly two months after the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, Afghans and peacebuilding experts are watching closely to see how the United States might continue to employ violence in the country via two means: economic sanctions that hinder desperately needed humanitarian aid, and “over the horizon” armed drone strikes. 

Afghan women via Pixabay

Global Food Crisis: U.S. Needs New Priorities

U.S. farm, food and trade justice advocates call on Pres. Biden to end the pro-corporate agriculture agenda in U.S. international policy and work more collaboratively with partners at UN food agencies.


South Sudan: Climate-fueled Suffering

As half a million people in South Sudan face their third straight year of extreme flooding that the UN says is fueled by climate change, Maryknoll lay missioner Gabe Hurrish writes in his newsletter about the growing hunger and violence in the world’s youngest nation.

South Sudan Toposa children Photo courtesy of Maryknoll Lay Missioner Gabe Hurrish

Essential Energy Transition

Two recent UN reports offer the most detailed descriptions to date of the technology, investment and policy choices necessary to achieve a sustainable and inclusive energy future.

World Energy Transitions Outlook report logo