
Lenten Reflection Guide 2018: Embracing Jesus’ Practice of Nonviolence

Come pray, study, act with us.

In commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., we offer reflections, questions, prayers, and actions for the season of Lent based on each week’s Gospel reading and the six principles of nonviolence offered by Dr. King in Stride Toward Freedom, his memoir of the 1957 Montgomery bus boycott. According to Dr. King, the book is ‘‘the chronicle of 50,000 Negroes who took to heart the principles of nonviolence, who learned to fight for their rights with the weapon of love, and who in the process, acquired a new estimate of their own human worth.” 

Click here to download the 2018 Lenten Reflection Guide

Lent offers us all a special opportunity to grow in our relationship with God and to deepen our commitment to a way of life, rooted in our baptism.  Use this guide individually or in small groups to reflect upon our life patterns, to pray more deeply, and renew our spirits to face the realities of our world.  

Each day in the Lenten Guide:

February 14, Ash Wednesday  

February 18, First Sunday of Lent

February 25, Second Sunday of Lent

March 4, Third Sunday of Lent

March 11, Fourth Sunday of Lent

March 18, Fifth Sunday of Lent

March 25, Palm Sunday