Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sr Susan Nchubiri reads in the scriptures a call to act as true Christians.
Sr Susan Nchubiri reads in the scriptures a call to act as true Christians.
Sr. Becky Nyaki, MM, sees a lesson on the nature of wisdom in the scripture readings.
Maryknoll Lay Missioner Joanne Miya asks how we as Christians keep the second commandment of Jesus.
Sr. Geraldine Brake, MM, shares for World Mission Sunday how she sees the face of God in those she serves.
Fr. Joseph Healey, MM, draws the connection between the readings and the Synod on Synodality happening in Rome presently.
Maryknoll Affiliate Kathy Morefield sees the fruits of the Kingdom of Heaven in the economic model of collaboratively-run restaurant.
Father John Northrop, MM, looks at the parable of the laborers at the vineyard.
Sr. Darlene Jacobs reflects on the how we can live out Christian mercy.
From Maryknoll Lay Missioner Megan Hamilton “A Spiritual Reflection on Who is Loving Who and How”
Maryknoll Lay Missioner Larry Parr connects the message of gospel nonviolence to his ministry in El Salvador.
Sr. Nonie Gutzler reflects on how the scriptures guide us to “not conform to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind” into newness of life.
Fr. John McAuley, MM, considers the call to stewardship in the readings and how they apply to the twenty-first century.
Sr. Sue Rech, MM, considers what it means to reach out to “the other” in tumultuous times.
Maryknoll Lay Missioner Kathy Bond sees Jesus’ outstretched hand in the work of the Welcome House, São Paulo, Brazil.
Fr. Jim Kofski, MM, a missioner at the U.S./Mexico border in Texas, with experience in Myanmar, reflects on our potential to grow and be transformed. This scripture reflection was previously published the week of August 6, 2017.
Sr. Janet Hockman, MM, reflects on the unanswered questions of that arise from the Gospel readings.
Fr. Gene Toland, MM, reflects on the parable of the mustard seed and yeast.
Maryknoll Lay Missioner Stephen Veryser reflects on the value of the humbling fallow time.