First Week in Advent: A Crossroads Before Us
Join us in prayer this first week in Advent.
Join us in prayer this first week in Advent.
Fr. Sacha Bermundez-Goldman, SJ, who served in Tanzania and Cambodia with the Maryknoll Lay Missioners, wrote the following reflection in 2015.
Fr. John Sivalon, MM, considers how the two widows in today’s readings model discipleship.
Dave Kane is a returned Maryknoll lay missioner living in Brazil who works as a researcher for the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns.
Mary Beth Buchner, a Maryknoll Affiliate from the Albany Chapter, reflects on the importance of supporting each other as the Body of Christ.
Maryknoll Father Joseph Veneroso wrote the following reflection in 2015.
Fr. Dennis Moorman, MM, on mission in Brazil, reflects on the need to restore the bonds that tie together all creation.
Debbie Northern, a Maryknoll lay missioner in El Paso, Texas, reflects on the value of childlike trust in God.
Fr. Mike Gilgannon, a priest with the Kansas City-St. Joseph diocese who served alongside many Maryknoll missioners in the Andean region, reflects on the roles suffering and death play in our lives.
Chloe Noel, Faith Economy Ecology Project Coordinator at MOGC, reflects on how the experiences of the past year have reminded us of our interconnectedness and our mission to stand with the marginalized and oppressed.
Dr. Susan Nagele, a returned Lay missioner who worked in East Africa for many years, considers how we might learn to follow the law of love.
Sr. Teruko Ito, MM, reflects on how God calls us and speaks to us as we face life’s challenges.
Fr. Lam Hua, MM, on mission in Tanzania, considers how the Feast of the Assumption celebrates the amazing gift of creation.
Sr. Delia “Dee” Smith, on mission in Guatemala, reflects on how the Eucharist nourishes us for a life of mission.
Mary Moritz, a Maryknoll Affiliate from Northeast Florida, reflects on God’s care for us and on our call to give physical and spiritual nourishment to our neighbors in turn.
Maryknoll Fr. Thomas J. Marti, who was on mission in the Philippines for many years, reflects on the work for peace and justice as integral to our call to love another.
Coralis Salvador, a Maryknoll lay missioner in El Paso, Texas, reflects on how we can take up our call to be shepherds for those who are lost or marginalized.
Sr. Jareen Aquino, MM, on mission in Tanzania, explains how the girls she accompanies are responding to their call to mission.