Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Fr. Joe Thaler, a missioner in Nepal, writes this week’s reflection.
As Asia’s population approaches four billion, or more than half of the world’s population, the continent presents startling contrasts of wealth and poverty. While its governments range from the autocratic to the democratic, Asia has the potential for exponential economic growth and significant advances in science, health and technology. But the cost of development must take social justice and environmental values into account. In Asia the U.S. encounters ancient cultures and values from which it could learn much, as well as markets and trade opportunities that could benefit both Asia and the U.S. At the same time, robust Asian economies are potential competitors that could challenge the U.S.’s economic dominance in the world. With the U.S., Europe and giants such as China and India competing for critical natural resources, the globalized economy will demand political considerations – and concessions – of the U.S.
The Office for Global Concerns depends on the experience of Maryknoll missioners in Asia, who are deeply involved in many aspects of their hosts’ lives – religious, social, political and economic. Maryknoll personnel act as partners in diverse apostolates – in parish ministry, health work and education. Missioners work with persons with HIV and AIDS and with special needs. They support those living on the margins – people who are displaced, refugees, foreign workers – as they seek to promote peace, social justice and the integrity of creation.
Fr. Joe Thaler, a missioner in Nepal, writes this week’s reflection.
Fr. Charlie Dittmeier, who lives and works in Cambodia, writes the reflection on the baptism of Jesus.
Br. John Beeching works with Burmese refugees in Thailand.
The December 4 typhoon that hit Mindanao is the latest indicator of the critical importance of addressing climate change.
The reflection for this final Sunday of Advent 2012 is written by Maria Montello, a lay missioner in Cambodia.
Maryknoll Sr. Marjorie Ann Bush returned to the U.S. on September 14 after making a short trip back to China where she worked in mission from 1999 until 2010. Sr. Ann Braudis interviewed Sr. Marjorie Ann regarding her sense of China’s movement toward sustainable development and whether or not a sense of peace is being strengthened through China’s development.
The following article is contributed by Fred Goddard, who recently moved to the Philippines after stepping down from his role as executive coordinator of the Maryknoll Affiliates.
This Sunday’s reflection is written by Fr. Jim Kroeger, who has served as a missioner in Asia for many years.
Sources for the following article, which was published in the September-October 2012 NewsNotes, include BBC News, FMT News, and the East Timor and Indonesia Action Network (ETAN).
Sr. Luise Ahrens, who has spent many years in Cambodia, writes in this week’s reflections about the challenges of living in a interconnected world … How do we make choices that are clarified by God’s wisdom? How can we live a life formed and informed by the Spirit of Jesus?
In this week’s reflection, Fr. Tom Marti recalls his service in the Philippines, and that beautiful nation’s efforts to reverse the devastating ecological destruction it has experienced in recent decades.
The following was published by the Union of Catholic Asian News (UCAN). Read about Jeju Island and its residents’ efforts to stop the construction of a naval base in the September-October 2011 and November-December 2011 issues of NewsNotes.
How does the Korea FTA measure up to the TRADE (Trade Reform, Accountability, Development, and Employment) Act, sponsored by Rep. Michael Michaud (D‐ME) …