Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Steve Veryser, a Maryknoll lay missioner in Tanzania, reflects on how the Scriptures relate to a student march at a school function: who are these signs for anyways?
Our concern for Africa is shaped by long term relationsips between Maryknoll missioners and the people of Sudan and South Sudan, Kenya, Tanzania, Zimbabwe and Namibia. We honor their strength and wisdom and believe that African cultures and traditions often suggest solutions to seemingly intractable local and global problems.
In Africa our Global Concerns work is at times country-specific, focussing, for example, on the slow process toward peace between Sudan and South Sudan, or the genocide in Darfur; the political and economic collapse of Zimbabwe; the introduction of genetically modified seeds or the political situation in Tanzania; efforts to stop corruption in Kenya, among other issues. We also address transnational issues of great concern to all people in Africa: deep and endemic poverty; the HIV and AIDS pandemic; the call for the cancellation of illegitimate and overwhelming debt without conditions that worsen poverty; just trade agreements; the rights of women and children; and environmental degradation.
Steve Veryser, a Maryknoll lay missioner in Tanzania, reflects on how the Scriptures relate to a student march at a school function: who are these signs for anyways?
Maryknoll Lay Missioner Joanne Miya reflects on our need to care for one another.
Maryknoll Lay Missioner Gabe Hurrish in South Sudan reflects on Jesus’ teaching to care for those who are poor and suffering.
Community and religious leaders from across the African continent are meeting to discuss personal experiences and perspectives on key topics related to the UN Climate Talks.
The Africa Faith and Justice Network organized an open sign on letter to the pope about ongoing challenges on the African continent prior to the papal visit to DCR and South Sudan in July.
A potentially dangerous stand-off has erupted in north-central Tanzania after the government decided to evict up to 167,000 pastoral Maasai from their land in favor of a wealthy hunting firm owned by the United Arab Republic’s ruling family.
The growing demand for minerals used in renewable energy raises the urgency to address human rights and environmental abuses common in mining.
Maryknoll Sister Darlene Jacobs reflects on the call of a missioner to witness to the God of love.
The following is an excerpt of a statement from Jubilee USA on the African Catholic Bishops’ call for international finance institutions to direct emergency funding to African nations still struggling to emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic.
A new report outlines how wind energy can be a major boon for sustainable development on the African continent, amid a global energy crisis, a growing population, and economic downturn following the pandemic.
Former Maryknoll Brother Mark Huntington lived and worked in Kenya as a Maryknoll Lay Missioner and in Tanzania and Mozambique as a Maryknoll Brother.
Fr. Frank Breen, who was on mission in Kenya, reflects on finding Easter hope amid the challenges facing our world.
Join the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers for a webinar on March 17 at 1pm ET to learn about the work of Br. Loren Beaudry, MM, in Tanzania.
A new report highlights priorities for the African continent for 2022.
The Catholic Church in Kenya is focusing the 2019 Lenten Campaign on the theme “Uniting, Healing and Renewal of our Nation…God’s Gift.”
Michael Leen, a returned Maryknoll lay missioner who worked in Tanzania, reflects on where we place our trust.
Anne Berry, a returned Maryknoll lay missioner, reflects on what the journey of the Magi teaches us about going to the margins.
All are invited by Friends in Solidarity with South Sudan for an evening with world-renowned author John Grisham on Wednesday, Nov. 10 at 8 p.m. Eastern. John will talk with Sister Joan Mumaw, IHM, about his new novel “Sooley” which tells the fictional story of a 17-year-old South Sudanese basketball player and the experiences of his family in…