Redesignate and Extend TPS for South Sudan

Maryknoll OGC Joins Letter Requesting TPS for South Sudan

Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns joined 131 other International, National, and Local NGO’s and Faith Based Organizations in asking President Biden, Secretary Mayorkas, and Secretary Blinken to Extend and Redesignate TPS for South Sudan. Temporary Protective Status (TPS) can save lives by preventing immigration enforcement from deporting South Sudanese people back to extremely dangerous conditions. South Sudan currently sees extreme violence, including targeted killings and Gender Based Violence. Only 41% of the population has access to clean water and 11% to sanitation facilities. Malaria, HIV/AIDS, COVID, Ebola, polio, and cholera are leading causes of death.


Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ

Fr. David Schwinghamer, MM, a missioner with experience in Tanzania and Uganda, reflects on celebrating the feast of Corpus Christi during a pandemic. This scripture reflection was previously published on June 14, 2020.