A Cambodian Spring?
The following article, written by Maria Montello, a Maryknoll lay missioner serving in Phnom Penh, was published in the November-December 2013 NewsNotes.
APRM@10: Transformative governance
The following article on the African Union’s New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) was prepared by Julie Sharples, an intern with the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns in New York, and published in the November-December 2013 NewsNotes.
Latin America: Deteriorating relations with U.S.
The following article appeared in the November-December 2013 NewsNotes.
Brazil: Massive debt struggles
Dave Kane wrote the following update on Brazil's debt for the November-December 2013 NewsNotes.
Guatemala: Communities release statement
The following piece, published in the November-December 2013 NewsNotes, was prepared by Eben Levey, an intern with the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns.
Honduras: Intimidation in upcoming election?
The following was written by Eben Levey, whose internship with the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns focuses on Central America issues. Eben will participate in an election-monitoring delegation in November.
Bolivia: Groups address violence against women
The following article, prepared by Dan Moriarty, Jason Obergfell and Sr. Leila Mattingly, MM, all of whom live and work in Cochabamba, Bolivia, appeared in the November-December 2013 issue of NewsNotes.
MOGC joins "pilgrimage for courage and common good" in Congress
On Tuesday, October 15, more than 30 national faith-based organizations, including the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns (MOGC), endorsed a statement directed to the U.S. Congress, urging the legislative body "to place shared democratic values above short term political expediency, exercise the courage to fund our nation’s government, raise the debt limit without preconditions and get back to work on a faithful budget that serves the common good."
2013 report on food, access to food to be released in U.S.
“Stop policies that foster hunger,” urge advocates.
MOGC signs letter to GCF for environmental, social protections
The Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns was one of many signatories on the following letter to the board of the Green Climate Fund (GCF), which expresses our unified call for the adoption of the most robust environmental and social protections possible at the GCF.
Guatemala: Increased repression in Huehuetenango
Over the last four days, less than a month after President Perez Molina visited the town of Barillas in the department of Huehuetenango and announced the formation of a formal space for dialogue between communities, the government, and the hydroelectric companies Ecoener Hidralia Energía/Hidro Santa Cruz S.A., police and military actions have markedly increased.
Chile's coup, 40 years later
As we pray on September 11, we remember those who suffered through the 1973 coup in Chile and the subsequent dictatorship.