
Middle East Notes July 12, 2012

This week’s Middle East Notes includes materials on the settlements, the IDF, a detailed history on the separation barrier and its effects on Palestinians and Israelis alike, and a present Israeli policy to drive Palestinians and Bedouins from the Jordan Valley.


July-August 2012 NewsNotes

This issue of NewsNotes includes articles on recent protests in Peru, an update on Sudan and South Sudan, a report from the Rio+20 Earth Summit, and much more …


15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

This week’s reflection was written by Maryknoll lay missioner Heidi Cerneka, who works in prison ministry in Brazil.

Birth of John the Baptist

Sr. Roni Schweyen writes this week’s reflection, drawing on her years of mission work in Tanzania.

Pentecost Sunday

This week’s reflection is written by Sr. Euphrasia Nyaki, who lives and works in João Pessoa, Brazil.

Children at the Mavambo Trust program in Zimbabwe

Together with Africa: Mavambo Trust gives children a new beginning

In 2002, Maryknoll Sister Kathleen Barbee, who has lived and worked in Africa for many years, and a Redemptorist colleague responded to the profound needs of Zimbabwean children living in poverty and established the Mavambo (“genesis”) Trust. Mavambo programs assist children who live in Zimbabwe’s Mabvuku, Tafara and Goromonzi districts; many of the children who…

Maryknoll missioners meet with Nita Lowey

Maryknoll Centennial Celebration in Washington, D.C.: A day on the Hill: Bringing Maryknoll experience to U.S. policymakers

Almost 70 Maryknoll missioners, Affiliates and staff members gathered in Washington, D.C. on May 16-17 for a special event to help mark the Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers’ and the Maryknoll Sisters’ centennial years (2011-2012). For many years, the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns (MOGC) has brought the lived experience of Maryknoll missioners and the people with…


May-June 2012 NewsNotes

This issue includes a brief report from Cuba, an update on South Sudan, and a piece about “exporting obesity.”


March-April 2012 NewsNotes

This issue of NewsNotes includes an update on the Pacific Rim case against El Salvador; the TIPNIS controversy in Bolivia; the historic move in Guatemala to try former dictator Rios Montt for human rights abuses; a report about the “financialization of nature”; and much more.

earth in hands

January-February 2012 NewsNotes

Celebrating 100 years of Maryknoll sisters … plus an update on the students’ protest in Chile, post-referendum news from Sudan-South Sudan, news about the June 2012 Earth Summit, and principles for public-private partnerships for food security.