Webinar: A faithful response to Fast Track
The past few weeks have allowed us a glimpse into the heavily politicized world of trade politics. Last month, the Senate narrowly passed the undemocratic “Fast Track” trade promotion authority.
Now the trade fight is headed to the House. Join the Interfaith Working Group on Trade and Investment to hear a play-by-play on the Senate vote and the latest on the House fight on June 10 at 12 pm EST/ 9 am PST. Sign up here.
People of faith have an opportunity to reframe the debate to ensure that marginalized communities and God’s earth are at the center of U.S. trade policies. With the negotiations on the Trans-Pacific Partnership nearly completed, much is at stake. Access to medicines, good jobs, food security, and environmental protections are all on the table. Learn what small actions you can take back home that can have a big impact on the global economy. Sign up here.