Webinar: Connecting climate change dots – Paris, Vatican and taxing Wall Street

Impoverished countries, already struggling to fund unmet human needs — like providing basic health services and primary school education — now also face the enormously expensive fallout of extreme weather caused by climate change. Though bearing little-to-no responsibility for causing the climate crisis, they are already paying for it in lives and livelihoods lost.

As the world awaits Pope Francis’s encyclical on climate change and heads toward a global climate agreement at the UN summit in Paris this December, please join us for a webinar to learn how a tiny tax on financial transactions – popularly known as the Robin Hood Tax/Wall Street Tax — could provide the money developing countries need to address climate change.

The webinar will cover:

  • The basics – The “what” and “how” of the financial transactions tax (FTT)
  • Trailblazing trends in Europe – How 11 nations are leading the way with the establishment of a the world’s first regional FTT
  • U.S. hope – Exciting initiatives in the U.S. Congress
  • The climate connection – What does the FTT have to do with climate change and the major Paris climate summit

The webinar will take place via Go-To-Meeting. Please RSVP to korenstein@foe.org and we will send you a link to join the webinar.

Sponsored by Friends of the Earth US, Institute for Policy Studies, and Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns.