Stopping policies that fuel land grabs in Tanzania
Doug Hertzler, Senior Policy Analyst, ActionAid USA
Doug Hertzler will discuss donor driven Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor, the New Alliance Agreement Framework, the G8 Land Transparency Partnership and Tanzania’s current Big Results Now! These initiatives promise to implement the CFS Tenure Guidelines, but so far fuel land grabs and ignore provisions that can protect the land security of communities.
Godfrey Massay, Program Officer, Land Rights & Resources Research Institute (Haki Ardhi), Tanzania
Godfrey Massay’s presentation will discuss cases of biofuel land-grabs in Kisaware and Kilwa, and share how processes of community engagement failed to meet criteria called for in the CFS Guidelines.
Father Dave Schwinghamer, Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns
Father Dave’s experience in Tanzania began in 1969. From 1990-1996 he was director of the Center for Faith and Justice in Dar es Salaam. From 1997-1999 he did pastoral work with the Jesuit Refugee Service in refugee camps of western Tanzania. His areas of research are the causes of hunger and war in Africa; the regional economy of Sukumaland, Tanzania; and the Burundi peace process.
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