The following are additional resources on welcoming refugees, which correspond to our two-page election brief, "Welcoming Refugees in U.S. Policy" Find our entire series on Faithful Voting and Global Issues here.
See: The Urgent Crisis
From UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR):
What is a Refugee
Figures at a Glance (2019 data)
Overview of Refugee Resettlement in the United States
Maryknoll Magazine, January/February 2020: "Refugees Left in Limbo: Catholic leaders object to government turning blind eye to people fleeing war, persecution and targeted violence," by Kathleen Kollman Birch, Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns
The Hill, Laura McCarter, "Refugees are not a drain on the economy or a threat to security," June 11, 2020
Judge: Catholic Teaching on Refugees
From the Vatican:
Pope Paul VI: Gaudiem et Spes ("The Church in the Modern World")
From Pope Francis:
Message for World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2020 (September 27)
Migrant and Refugee Section website
From the U.S. Conference of Catholic Biships:
Webinar: "Refugees in the Time of COVID-19," USCCB. Watch the recording.
Justice for Immigrants Campaign: World Refugee Day Toolkit, featuring prayers, information on U.S. refugee resettlement, and tips for writing letters to the editor and engaging in advocacy.
Act: Faithful citizenship
From the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns: Click here to urge your Members of Congress to revitalize U.S. support for refugees.