The following are additional resources on U.S. trade policy, which correspond to our two-page 2020 election brief, "U.S. Trade Policy: Putting People and Planet First." Find our entire series on Faithful Voting and Global Issues here.
- Explore the website of the Citizens Trade Campaign, an organization working for social and environmental justice in trade policy.
- Check out Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch program for more information on globalization and trade justice.
- Read these fact sheets by the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy on what the “new NAFTA” means for farming and food justice.
- Read our statement on the USMCA deal, or the "New NAFTA," from January 2020.
- Listen to the "Rethinking Trade" podcast to learn more about how activists and scholars understand our current system and ways we can adapt it to better serve people and protect the planet.
- Read the Maryknoll leadership statement from 2002, "Trading in Justice"
- Read "A Call to Integrate Faith, Ecology, and the Global Economy," a statement of principles from Christian communities in the United States.
- Read our office's 2009 statement on the global economy and the environmental crisis, "Global Economy Imperils Earth, Humanity."
- Read our Encounters bulletin on alternatives for a more just global economy.
- Explore resources on trade and Catholic social teaching from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), including a new two-page backgrounder on global trade.
- Read a letter from the USCCB outlining the moral principles for evaluating proposed trade deals.
- Read the Interfaith Statement on International Trade and Investment, signed by our office and partner organizations in the Interfaith Working Group on International Trade and Investment.
- Watch a webinar on labor rights in Mexico featuring Mexican labor activists and lawyers Susana Prieto and Oscar Alzaga.
- Celebrate the Season of Creation, September 1-October 4, a time for Christians to renew our relationship with the earth, including through pushing for trade justice and learning about the intersection of trade and environmental policy.
- Read and share Pope Francis's general audience address from September 2, 2020, in which he discusses our global interdependence, including through trade, and the need for solidarity.