The following are additional resources on nuclear disarmament, which correspond to our two-page election brief on nuclear disarmament, "Abolish Nuclear Weapons, Invest in Peace." Find our entire series on Faithful Voting and Global Issues here.
See: An Existential Threat
From the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists: The Doomsday Clock
From I-CAN, the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons:
- Booklet: Let’s Be Realists: Eleven answers to common comments and questions about nuclear weapons
- Briefing Note: “The Catholic Church and the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons”
From the Arms Control Association, "Congress Should Take the Nuclear Testing Option Off the Table"
The Pope and the Bomb: Earlier this year, Archbishop Silvano Tomasi of the Vatican’s Dicastery for Integral Human Development was in Washington, where he gave an address at Georgetown University on “Pope Francis’ Vision of Peace: Disarmament, Development, and Inclusiveness in the Catholic Conception of Just Peace,” and participated in a conference, The Pope and The Bomb: Beyond Deterrence, from which written versions of several presentations are available for download.
The Back from the Brink Campaign has compiled articles and opinion pieces that discuss the links between nuclear weapons and the current COVID-19 pandemic. They also outline the common sense policies that governments can adopt in order to prevent future crises, including nuclear war. The Campaign will continue to update this page as new articles are published.
Judge: Catholic Teaching on Nuclear Weapons
From the Vatican:
St. John XXIII: Pacem in Terris (1963)
Pope Francis:
- Message to United Nations Conference to Negotiate Nuclear Ban Treaty (2017)
- Address to Vatican symposium on a world free of nuclear weapons and for integral disarmament (2017)
- Hiroshima address (2019)
- Nagasaki address (2019)
From the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:
- Two-pager: Backgrounder on Nuclear Disarmament and Challenging Increases in Military Spending (2020)
- See the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' resource page on nuclear weapons and the latest statement from the USCCB Committee on International Justice and Peace calling for a day of prayer on August 9 to mark the 75th anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Act: Faithful Citizenship
Back from the Brink: The Call to Prevent Nuclear War: 5 Policy Solutions
From Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns:
• Action Alert: Renew New START
• Statement: Maryknoll Missioners oppose leaving Iran nuclear deal
Learn about the Plowshares movement and support Catholic anti-nukes activists the Kingsbay Plowshares.