The following are additional resources on climate change, which correspond to our two-page election brief on U.S. climate policy, "Climate Change and Care for Creation." Find our entire series on Faithful Voting and Global Issues here.
See: The Urgent Crisis
International Panel on Climate Change 2018 report: "Global Warming of 1.5 Degrees Celsius"
National Climate Assessment 2018 report: "Fourth National Climate Assessment: Impacts, Risks, and Adaptation in the United States"
Climate Nexus: public polling of U.S. voters' opinions on climate change by the Yale Program on Climate Change and the George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication
Emissions Gap Report 2019: This report presents the latest data on the expected gap in 2030 for the 1.5°C and 2°C temperature targets of the Paris Agreement
Judge: Catholic Teaching on Climate Change
Laudato Si': Pope Francis's encyclical on care for our common home (2015)
Quotations from papal writings and Church teaching on the environment, compiled by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops
The Original "Green Pope:" 8 Quotes from Pope Benedict XVI on the Environment
Act: Faithful Citizenship
Visit the League of Conservation Voters' candidate scorecard page to see how your candidate has pledged to take action for the environment.
On Tuesday, July 14, join a virtual rally hosted by the interfaith energy and environment working group in Washington D.C. to urge leaders to act for a #FaithfulRecovery from the pandemic which prioritizes environmental, racial, and economic justice. Check out this social media toolkit for ways to participate.
Check out this campaign by Interfaith Power and Light to encourage voters to take a pledge to be "Climate Justice Voters"
Explore resources on Care of Creation from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, including information on how to contact your representatives to urge them to prioritize protecting God's creation