How to submit an appointment request letter.

Meeting With Your Members of Congress Locally: Appointment Request Letter

How to submit an appointment request letter.

To submit an appointment request letter, first contact the legislator’s office and ask for the contact information of the person who schedules in-district meetings for the Representative or Senator. You will likely be given an e-mail address to submit your request to. You can find the contact information for your legislator’s office at United States House of Representatives or United States Senate.

Sample Letter

(If possible, you may want to use electronic stationery.)

The Honorable [first name, last name] 
U.S. House of Representatives (or U.S. Senate) 
Washington, DC 20515 (or 20510)

Dear Representative (or Senator) [last name]:

I am a constituent and a (member of NAME OF FAITH COMMUNITY) from (CITY/TOWN). I would like to request an opportunity to meet briefly with you in your [LOCATION] local district office on [DATE(S)] to discuss [the issue(s) of concern that you wish to discuss].

[If necessary, provide additional details about the issue here.]

Thank you in advance for your consideration of this meeting request. I will contact your office soon to determine your availability. Should you or your staff have any questions in the meantime, I can be reached by phone at [YOUR PHONE NUMBER] or by e-mail at [YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS]. Thank you.


[your name and any credentials]