
Election Security Resources

 The following is a compilation of resources on election security and promoting peace during the 2020 U.S. election season.

 The following is a compilation of resources on election security and promoting peace during this election season.

In the build-up to the 2020 U.S. elections there has been an unprecedented amount of national discussion over how to ensure free, safe, and fair elections in the United States, given current levels of misinformation about voting, voter suppression, and other challenges related to voting due to the pandemic. Explore these resources to learn how to promote safe and fair elections and a peaceful transition of power. 

Let us pray . . .

For the world and its leaders, may all those in authority have the courage to walk the path of peace.

For our nation in this time of election and transition, may we be gifted with a spirit of reverence for what is right, charity for those with whom we disagree and concern for the common good.

For all who serve in our national and local governments, may they commit themselves to building a more perfect union.

For reconciliation among families and friends, may we learn to love each other not despite but because of our differences and may we focus fully on the work that continues beyond this election–the work of building God’s beloved community.

For those most affected by the choices we make, those who are made poor, those seeking safety in our land, those who are ill or without homes, those without food or meaningful work, and for all whose lives are undervalued, may they find welcome in our hearts and in our country.


(Leadership Conference of Women Religious)








Photo by Katie Hargrave available on Flickr.