Through shareholder advocacy, investors can voice their concerns about corporate activity that affects the public interest, such as corporate contribution to climate change. The Maryknoll Sisters and the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers engage in shareholder advocacy to help direct corporate decision-making toward the common good.
Now, the federal Securities and Exchange Commission is proposing an amendment to rules for investors that will limit the rights of shareholders to engage with corporations.
Take action: Oppose these proposed rules today.
Shareholder advocacy is an important way for investors to hold corporations accountable for promoting the common good. It is critical that this mechanism for advocacy is maintained.
More resources:
• Read an article about these proposed changes and the importance of shareholder advocacy from the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR).
• Read a statement by Fr. Joe la Mar, MM, the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers’ corporate responsibility representative, on the proposed changes.
• Read a statement by Sr. Darlene Jacobs, MM, the Maryknoll Sisters' Treasurer, on the proposed changes.