#FamiliesBelongTogether Actions
Family separation is child abuse.
To criminalize those who come seeking asylum, to escalate their trauma in terms of detention and confinement, and to routinely separate children from their parents is extreme, inhumane and contrary to our core Christian values to welcome the stranger and safeguard the sanctity of the family.
We call on the United States to eliminate these unjust policies immediately and to regulate its borders with justice and mercy. Read our statement on the new “zero tolerance” and family separation policies.
In Washington, D.C.: Join women of faith on Tuesday, June 19th at 11 a.m., at the U.S. Customs and Border Protection headquarters to pray and to tell the Trump administration to halt its brutal policy of tearing children away from their parents at the border.
WHAT: Women of Faith Cry Out to Keep Families Together Prayer Vigil
WHEN: Tuesday, June 19th, at 11:00 a.m.
WHERE: U.S. Customs and Border Protection headquarters, 1300 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC
We’ll be there to witness what our faith demands: #FamiliesBelongTogether.
We will tell the Department of Homeland Security to immediately reunite families who have been torn apart and to cease the cruel practice of pulling children away from their parents at the border. If you’re in the D.C. area, please come and join us. If you can’t join us, call Congress!
Please call your Members of Congress and tell them that your faith demands that we respect the dignity of all people and that separating parents from their children is immoral and must end.
Call the Congressional switchboard at (202) 224-3121 to connect with your Congressperson’s office in Washington, D.C.
Here’s a sample script:
For the House:
“My name is [NAME] and I live in [CITY/ZIP CODE]. I would like to leave a message for my Representative. Please do everything possible to end family separation at our borders. The “Border Security and Immigration Reform Act” does not end the horrible practice of family separation. It would detain children and families indefinitely. The suffering of children is not a bargaining chip! Instead, the congresswo/man should introduce a House version of the”Keep Families Together Act” in the Senate: a simple, direct way to end this nightmare. Thank you for your time.”
For the Senate:
“My name is [NAME] and I live in [CITY/ZIP CODE]. I would like to leave a message for my Senator. Please do everything possible to end family separation at our borders. The suffering of children is not a policy bargaining chip! Please support the “Keep Families Together Act”: a simple, direct way to end this nightmare. Thank you for your time.”
Click HERE to urge Congress to use its oversight capabilities to:
(1) Tell DHS not to separate families;
(2) Prevent DHS from receiving funding for this harmful and costly practice;
(3) Propose more humane solutions, such as alternatives to detention.
The Center of Concern offers this latest prayer: Prayer for Families at the Border. The closing words are “May we speak out and stand up to end the suffering of your beloved little ones, so they may once again know the embrace that is their sacred birthright. Amen.”
Thank you.