On August 6 and 9 we will mark the 75th anniversaries of the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. These anniversaries are an opportunity to mourn the devastation caused by nuclear weapons, celebrate the work that has been done to eliminate them, and recommit to building a world free of nuclear weapons and the threat they pose to humanity and our common home.
We invite you to pray, study, and act with us to mark these anniversaries.
- The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has called for a national Day of Prayer on Sunday, August 9, to mark these anniversaries. Use these sample general intercessions and bulletin inserts at your parish.
- Use and share this prayer card from the USCCB.
- Pray this prayer for disarmament by Kim Vanderheiden, available in English and Spanish.
- Read a two-page issue brief and watch a recorded webinar on nuclear disarmament. These resources are part of our 2020 U.S. elections project, Faithful Voting and Global Concerns.
- Explore resources on our website on nuclear disarmament and the Church’s position on nuclear weapons.
- Explore the USCCB’s resource page on nuclear disarmament, including a recent USCCB statement on disarmament, study guide materials, and more.
- Watch a webinar on August 3, “Catholics Commemorate 75 Years After Hiroshima and Nagasaki,” from the Berkley Center at Georgetown University.
- Send a message to your Members of Congress asking them to renew the New START Treaty, set to expire in 2021, which is an important treaty limiting possession of nuclear weapons by the U.S. and Russia.
- Join #StillHere, a virtual event on August 6 or 9, to commemorate the anniversaries by hearing the stories of survivors of nuclear attacks or disasters.
- On August 9, watch a virtual screening of the the documentary The Vow from Hiroshima, hosted by the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW).
Photo available on Wikipedia in the public domain.