Sign the letter to State Department Assistant Secretary Bitter and USCIS Director Jaddo on behalf of immigrant religious workers in the United States.
The letter is from religious groups and concerned individuals to government officials about problems with green card delays for foreign religious workers in the United States, including people like Maryknoll missioners who are not U.S. citizens. The letter asks for changes to make it easier for these workers to stay and continue their important work.
"We need the U.S. government to address the problems and backlogs with religious worker visas. Thousands are affected. Foreign-born Maryknoll missioners are also getting caught up in the red tape. If these issues are not straightened out and backlogs addressed, they may force religious workers to leave their communities for at least a year. And the people they are serving suffer." - Susan Gunn, Director of the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns
Use the form below to add your name to the letter by the deadline, Monday, February 19.
Photo of Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers with newly permanent members on June 12, 2023, courtesy of the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers.