The work of the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns stems from the lived experience of Maryknoll missioners and the people with whom they live and work around the world. Also, as an organization headquartered in the United States and comprised primarily of U.S. citizens, we hold the obligation to respond with clarity and intelligence to the actions of the U.S. government.
Our day-to-day foci can shift over the months and years due to changing situations in countries where Maryknoll is present.

Based on our belief that each person is both sacred and social, created in God’s image, and destined to share in the goods of the Earth as part of a community of justice and mercy, we hear the cry of the poor and we are called to respond. We listen to our suffering brothers and sisters and we hear echoes of God’s frequent warnings to the Israelites in the Book of Exodus, of their duty to care for those who are poor, powerless, and excluded by society. Read more about Economic Justice.
Maryknoll missioners work in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and have previously worked in the Middle East.