Webinar with Br. Loren Beaudry, MM: Teaching Tanzania Schools about Learning Disabilities

WHEN: March 17, 1pm Eastern

The Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers will feature Br. Loren Beaudry, M.M. who works with a project, the Msaada Foundation, started by him and two Tanzanian teachers. Msaada is the Swahili word meaning “support.”  Its goal is to teach schools about learning disabilities like Dyslexia, ADHD, ADD and Autism to help them better teach their students.  Br. Loren, born on a farm in Minnesota, joined Maryknoll as a Lay Brother to live his dream of working among the poor in a foreign land. Br. Loren will be joined by two Tanzanian teachers, Stephen Methusela and Renatus Mahendeka from the Msaada Foundation. 

Click here to sign up for Br. Loren’s webinar.